Paying your taxes
Do I need to send in tax payment with my tax return?
No payment is required with the submission of the tax return. The due date(s) and amount(s) of the tax assessed will be stated on the Notice of Assessment.
Generally, the IRD will issue a tax assessment approximately 2–3 months after the tax return has been filed. If you are departing from Hong Kong permanently, the IRD will expedite the processing of your tax matters. Please note that it may take longer if you have applied for an income exemption claim.
How do I make a tax payment?
You may pay your taxes through internet banking, by sending a cheque, or by wire transfer. For further instructions, please click below:
You should quote the Shroff a/c and IRD file number as per your Notice of Assessment in your bank’s reference field when making the payment to ensure it is correctly allocated to your tax account.
How can I make a tax payment if I don’t have a Hong Kong bank account?
The IRD offers various ways to settle your tax obligations. While using a Hong Kong bank account is often the simplest method, the IRD also supports international payments from non-Hong Kong bank accounts. For more details, visit the IRD’s website:
If these options are not feasible, contact your Vialto representative to discuss alternative solutions.
Can I send in my tax payment in advance along with the return anyway?
No. The IRD will not be able to credit the payment to your tax account unless there is a balance payable on your account.
Everyone around me has received their tax assessment. Should I be concerned if I have not received mine?
The actual date as to when each assessment is issued varies from one individual to another. Your assessment may be issued later if your return has been selected for review or if you are a first time filer. If in doubt, feel free to contact us. We would be pleased to call the IRD to make an enquiry.
I heard that the IRD will ask me to prepay my taxes. Is it true?
Hong Kong has a provisional tax system where the IRD will charge a provisional tax for current year, which is estimated based on your prior year’s income. Unless you have declared departure from Hong Kong, tax payments are typically payable in two instalments.
- The first installment is normally due in January following the tax year end and the tax liability is the balance of tax for the prior year, as well as 75% of the provisional tax for current year.
- The second installment is normally due in April following the tax year end and the tax liability is the remaining 25% of the provisional tax for current year.
If the IRD are delayed in issuing the Notice of Assessment to you, your payment schedule may be adjusted.
What if my taxable income is expected to be less this year?
After receiving your Notice of Assessment, if you anticipate your income for the year provisional taxes have been calculated to be less than 90% of the income the IRD used to calculate your provisional taxes, you can apply for a "holdover" to defer the excess provisional tax charged. This application is contingent on the IRD's review and approval.
When will my taxes be due for payment?
Exact payment due dates will vary depending on when the IRD issues the assessment to you.
When do I receive the Salaries Tax Notice of Assessment?
Generally, the IRD will issue a tax assessment approximately 2-3 months after the tax return has been filed. Please note that it may take longer if you have applied for an income exemption claim.
When do I receive my tax refund?
Generally, the IRD will issue a notice of assessment together with the tax refund cheque approximately 2-3 months after the tax refund has been filed. Please note that it may take longer if you have applied for an income exemption claim.